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3 Reasons Your Animal Needs to Visit an Emergency Vet

January 2, 2024

Do you have a beloved cat or dog that you're the proud pet parent of? If so, you understand how much furry ones mean to you and that they're part of your family. You also want to ensure they're always well cared for and healthy. While urgent and emergency care is not needed for all situations, here are a few that warrant immediate examination by a trained professional.

1. Acute Vomiting or Diarrhea

Your animal may rarely turn down food or a yummy snack. Because of this, your furry one may eat something that'll cause it to throw up or have temporary diarrhea. When your pet vomits one time, it's not an automatic cause for alarm. If you've seen multiple bouts of vomiting and/or diarrhea, it's time to see an emergency vet. This situation can happen if your pet has ingested spoiled food or something high in fats that is causing pancreatitis. In some cases, they may even have foreign material blocking their stomach or intestines that needs to be removed or a gastrointestinal infection requiring medications to clear.

2. Toxic Ingestion

In addition to spoiled food, your pet may ingest something even worse like sugar-free gum or antifreeze. Dogs and some cats tend to be very curious and often put just about anything in their mouths. Be mindful of having your animals around pesticides or cleaning products. If such chemicals were to get into your pet's food or water supply, they could cause severe and life-threatening side effects. While food that's gone bad can cause issues, be aware of food that might also be toxic to your specific pet, like chocolate and onions.

3. Urinary Tract Obstruction

Your pet can also suffer from a urinary tract infection or obstruction. Signs of such an ailment may include blood in their urine, urinating more often than normal, or squatting but no urine coming out. The urine may also be accompanied by a nasty odor or discoloration. If you notice these signs, bring your pet in immediately.

These are just three reasons your pet may need urgent or emergency care. Having a reliable and compassionate vet available can ensure your beloved pet is well cared for during times of injury or illness. Luckily, here at NB Animal Urgent Care, we are here to help your beloved animal through any medical problems they're experiencing. All patients are triaged in a timely fashion and diagnostics can be started even if the doctor is not immediately available. We want you and your pet back home where you are both comfortable as soon as possible. Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your beloved pets!

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